Friday, November 12, 2010

lyrical triptych reflection

The assignment we was told to do was to pick a song that can be illustrated by pictures showing what the song is talking about. The lyrics that we were using we had to print out first. The website I used for my pictures was Getty images and I searched in some words from the song that can be shown and put up to show what the song is talking about. And we had to have three panels with different pictures and words.

The song that I choose was Aston martin music by Rick ross .my finished work the first panel is a guy and a girl breezing down the freeway and music notes and a free way like a high way in the back like their driving. My second lyrical triptych has a audience and people walking and a clock because it went with the song and it illustrated the song very well the third triptych is a guy and girl looking down wondering who can they call. The adobe Photoshop tools I used were the crop tool and the move tool, and the blur tool and the shading tool.

I created these images related to the lyrics of the song and paying attention to the words of the song. Plus thinking of the pictures that will be good to illustrate what the song is talking about and what it really means. Thinking about what can make the audience really look at my lyrical triptych if I put a lot of color into my pictures and that’s what I happened to do to show more illustration.

My experience in working with the photo shop was good. I learned how to use different tools. Plus many things you can do with a picture surprised me. I really tried my best to do this lyrical triptych. I believe if I had this class all year long my projects will be good. I think by the end of second quarter my projects will be more different you can tell from the beginner style to the more advance style. But I think my lyrical triptych was actually good for the second project in quarter one.

Loukeija Jarrett 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

magazine project !

Magazine Cover Design Refection!

Headlines and then I was done with my magazine.

         My magazine title is called parents and I put the word parents going across the top in big letters and the magazine has a picture of I   the middle I have on an ed hardy sweater and jeans and aldo shoes . And has a background of a playground and has headlines going down the side headlines talking about playgrounds bring children excitement and asking parents how smart is their child and the key to children’s parties and other things. I’m very cheesy in my picture because I want people to understand that playgrounds bring children excitement.

My magazine is based on parents, which just talks about what parents should do for their kids. For my picture I picked a playground. Most kids like to go tot he park and enjoy things most parents don’t even do anything with their children. And most kids like big things for their birthday parties and like to do things with their parents. So parents get of your butts and spend time with your kids even if it is just bringing them to the park. My background pretty much matched my colors of my clothing that I had on in the picture. And my standing in the picture was very neat had a nice posture.

         According to the rubric I think my magazine work was very successful.  I also now that I could have done a better job but it was my first time doing this project, so next time I know I can work a little harder. I think I can improve on more headlines that would stick out to more parents. Also putting more color into my magazine. But I think I did a good job  for a first time project.


loukeija jarrett